13 Temmuz 2008 Pazar

" Sanat ya da Simit "(2008)

Çalışma “ Manifatura@5533” sergisi için üretilmiş, İMÇ’de bulunan 5533 isimli mekanda sergilenmiştir.

Performans için Manifatura Projesi'nde ürettiğimiz sanatçı arabasını biraz değiştirdim ve İMÇ'de 6.Bloğun önünde simit sattım. Fakat simitçilerin simidi verirken kullandıkları saman kağıtların yerine Art Now kitabından sayfa yırtıp simidi buna sararak verdim.


This work is a performance I made in the IMC (Istanbul Drygoods Bazaar) area, shortly after the place was used as one of the location for 11th Istanbul Biennale.People working in IMC are socially and culturally members of low class their main goal is firsly to be fed. Therefore they did not realize the bienalle and had been alienated.
In my work I choose to sell the “simit” which is the cheapest street food. In the mobile simit vehicle, I used the paces of “ Art Now” book for packaging the simits. The pages turned into trash for those people who have touched these pages for the first and the last time of their lives.